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Download and install oracle Virtual Box

GoTo the link provided below and download oracle Virtual Box depending upon the host Operating System of your PC
Open the downloaded .exe file and install Virtual Box

You will need to download and install the "VirtualBox 6.1.18 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" also as it will enable the use of your integrated laptop camera/ webcam from the virtual machine. Download buton is in the same link as above.

Now this virtual box needs an operating System, so we will be installing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in it

Click on the link below to get a detailed step by step explanaion on how to install Oracle Virtual Box on your PC/Laptop


Download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

GoTo the link provided below and download Ubuntu Desktop to load on Oracle Virtual Box

You will need to download and install extension package also

This is a lengthy process, click the link below to view the clear cut step by step instructions on how to installUbuntu 20.04 LTS on Oracle Virtual Box


Download and Install Chrome in Ubuntu

GoTo the link provided below and download Chrome Browser on Ubuntu

We need chrome in order to download and use an extension as discussed in the next step


Download Fingerprint Defender extension

GoTo the link provided below and download Ubuntu Desktop to load on Oracle Virtual Box

This extension helps block your web Fingerprint

If you want to test it before installing the extension first open your browser in the virtual machine and enter . And see the Unmasked Renderer. Then install the extension and again open it the extenison masks and hides the fact that you are using a VM


You are all set

Now you can freely give an exam on your virtual machine and side by side in split screen open your web browser on your host machine or refer to softcopied notes. There is no was the software (codetantra) can detect this and you can freely cheat without being scared. Just make sure your proctor doesnt see your eye vision moving alot/typing on the keyboard. Thats the only way you can get caught
I myself have used this for my universtiy exams. Its completely safe. Happy cheating :))


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